In my point of view, there are 3 pillars to health that should be clear, clean and balanced to regain vitality:
- the mind, including thoughts, beliefs, convictions
- the body, with its 7 major functional systems: respiration, digestion, circulation, tension, adaptation, elimination, regulation
- the environment/surroundings you're in, including your family, circle of friends, your home, your culture and your relation to nature and its cosmic energies.
These 3 pillars are inseparable from one another and synergize to an overall sense of well-being.
Through careful inquiry regarding your feelings, experiences and life encounters, we'll gradually discover and identify key stagnating or blocking factors that might hold you back:
- the presence, depth and awareness of emotional trauma
- the presence of functional body obstructions
- the presence of toxines and reduced immunity response
- reduced brain functioning
- ineffective therapeutic history and use of substances, supplementation
- severed self-esteem and -responsibility
- insufficient supporting network
I will be guiding and supporting you throughout a personalized and adapted process of recovery.
Like life itself, it's not a straight line: it might feel bumpy, self-confronting and at times you might think all hope is lost. But gradually you'll learn to love, treat and care for yourself as you were the love of your own life. Imagine how this can bring back hope, peacefulness and a genuine sense of joy, slowly and subtly acquired, but turning into a lasting form over time.
My interventions could range from dietary/supplementation advice, trauma healing, brain training, detox protocols or suggesting behavioral changes in relation to your environment and/ or peers. All are based on your current state of being and we'll discuss our next steps together, whether it be related to your physical health, emotions or surroundings. As soon as we both feel you're strong enough to take life back in both hands, we'll be very grateful and open the path to new endeavours. But know, there's always a way to come back and fuel up as needed.
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